O people, eat from what is on the earth as good and lawful. Holy Quran (2:168)
Office # 24, 1st Floor, Top City Plaza, Haripur, KPK.


Impartiality Policy

Halal Assessment & Certification Institute (Pvt.) Ltd. considers impartiality and conflict of interest as a very important aspect for provision of credible halal certification services. We are committed to principle of impartiality and ensures that actions will be taken to identify, control, mitigate or terminate the activities that present threats to Impartiality. Impartiality committee will review for services on regular basis to ensure impartiality of our services.

Certification Mark Policy

  • The certification mark shall be used as given on Halal Certificate issued to client and as per this policy. The certification mark/statement shall be used only for products, process or services under the scope of certification. The mark may be used with the client’s logo. Upon reduction of certification scope, all advertising material should be changed accordingly. The certified client shall, upon reasonable notice, discontinue any use of the mark. Upon withdrawal of certification, for whatever reason, the Client shall discontinue use of the certification mark and any statement immediately.
  • The certification mark has unique identification for particular client e.g XXXX-XX. Here XXXX refer to HACI & XX is started from 01 for 1st certification & 02 for 2nd certification and so on.

Confidentiality policy

HACI ensure confidentiality of the client’s halal certification activities through statements of confidentiality signed by concerned as individuals or in committees etc. If any information is required to place in public domain client will be informed in advance. Consent will be taken from client if information is to be disclosed to third party, moreover applicable laws will also be considered. All records will be kept in safe & secure place and soft record password protected.

Certificate Management Policy

The certification will be suspended, with-drawn or scope limited under following:

  • If clients does not allow audits as per plans, or does not comply with the requirements of Certification Mark Policy
  • Audit findings not closed out or audit payments not made
  • Serious failure of halal management system effectiveness.
  • Clients own request for suspension, withdrawal or scope limitation.

Client Record Policy

The HACI will retain client’s records (application, agreement, reports etc.) for at least 3 years in hard/soft form.